Public Relations and Gaming
What do public relations services have to offer to the world of gaming in Singapore and Asia?
The gaming industry is expanding faster than ever expected. In 2021, the global revenue for the gaming industry totaled a hefty USD$180.3 billion. Over 3 billion people worldwide are responsible for generating said revenue, and 55% of them are from the Asia-Pacific region. Singaporeans are not excluded from this growing statistic, with a 7.8% increase in sales of gaming consoles and games from 2019-2020.
Competitive gaming, or Esports, events have also seen a huge rise in popularity in Asia. According to the Asian Electronic Sports Federation, Esports viewers rose by 21% from 2019-2020, and the revenue generated by the industry also rose by 4.9% during this period.
As a result, gaming PR is constantly on the rise in Singapore and the rest of Asia, with game developers pumping more effort into public relations services for the burgeoning industry.
Companies in Singapore and Asia are not only focusing their communication on players to promote their products, but also to cultivate a positive corporate image through public relations.
Working with a good PR agency or team allows the brand to gain more media coverage, pique interest in this industry, and appear more relatable to their audience since this is rather a niche segment.
All these benefits not only boost the sales of a company, but also support the longevity of a brand in an industry moving at impossible speeds.